354 Ten Signs You're Suppressing Your Anger

354 Ten Signs You're Suppressing Your Anger

The Terri Cole Show

When you're upset with someone about something, do you:

Say nothing, but silently keep score?

Talk to other people about it?

Ice the person out?

Send them a passive-aggressive or sarcastic text? 

If any of those rang a bell, you are not alone which is why in this week’s episode, I’m breaking down the top 10 indicators that you might be suppressing and/or unconsciously repressing your anger. 

Raising your awareness around when you might be acting out feelings of frustration or anger is the first step to expressing yourself in a healthier way. I promise you, learning these skills will improve all of your relationships, including the one you have with yourself. 

Find the shownotes for today's episode at terricole.com/354

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