039. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: pennyether - Bitcoin Mining Co. Analyst, State of the Network, Tangents

039. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: pennyether - Bitcoin Mining Co. Analyst, State of the Network, Tangents

POD256 | Bitcoin Mining News & Analysis

Date: March 6, 2024

State of the Network: 

Block Height: 833445

According to our friends at newhedge.io: Bitcoin difficulty is 79.3 Trillion and set to decrease roughly 0.25% at the conclusion of epoch 413 which should be on March 14th, Pie Day!

Over at Hashrate Index: https://data.hashrateindex.com/asic-index-data: Miners under 25J/th are selling for roughly $13.73/Th at the moment, which has been relatively flat since October.

Looking at mempool.space: Hashrate is currently estimated to be 577Eh, still slightly below the all time high of 581Eh.

Heading over to insights.braiins.com: Hashvalue is currently 170sats/TH/day.

Days until the Halving: 44 days according to https://www.coinwarz.com/mining/bitcoin/halving

Stream Sats, Point Hash:

  • Pick any Lincoin URL:

     a) stratum+tcp://NA.lincoin.com:3333

    b) stratum+tcp://EU.lincoin.com:3333

     c) stratum+tcp://LatAm.lincoin.com:3333

     d) stratum+tcp://CIS.lincoin.com:3333

     e) stratum+tcp://Asia.lincoin.com:3333

     f) stratum+tcp://OC.lincoin.com:3333

     g) stratum+tcp://Africa.lincoin.com:3333

  • Then use "pod256.YourAlias" as the worker name

Shout out to: “bikesandbitcoin”, “reedsminersarenotforprofit”, “hodl_pins_dot_com_by_yooper_and_son_iykyk”, “africaone”, “slap_my_bitaxe_and_tell_me_you_love_me”, “bitaxewannabejustans17pro”, “the_80085_petahash_bitaxe”, “blizzabler”, and “bitaxeswimmingking” for supporting the podcast with their hashrate over the last week.

No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: pennyether - Bitcoin Mining Co. Analyst

A few questions from anons:

  • Do you think you’re cherry picking data?

  • Does the lack of industry standards make direct comparisons tough, and to that point, can you speak to how companies get fairly compared when strategies vary so widely?  

  • Would you consider Marathon a good company? (the miner)

  • It looks as though depreciation was included when calculating Riot’s hashcost, should they then turn their miners off if it’s profitable to mine but the 2-year depreciation schedule is eating into it?

  • What are your thoughts on miners a little bit down on the market cap rankings?

  • What would you do differently if you were in charge of a mining company?

  • If you could design your ideal monthly operational update, what does an apples to apples comparison look like and what metrics are most descriptive of the public miner businesses? 

Questions from Twitter: 


Home Miner of the Week:

Rod @bitkite on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitkite

Econoalchemist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/econoalchemist

Rod @bitkite on nostr: npub1atn7mlwt08erz4ap47gef92xfey65a4z9ed9vec53u5kc9v94pusl6h4x3

Econoalchemist on nostr: npub10m6lrv2kaf08a8um0plhj5dj6yqlw7qxzeag6393z352zrs0e5nsr2tff3

Bitcoin Park on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitcoinpark_

POD256 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pod256


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POD256 | Bitcoin Mining News & Analysis • 039. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: pennyether - Bitcoin Mining Co. Analyst, State of the Network, Tangents • Listen on Fountain