Encountering the Unknown: Author Linda Eastburn on Bigfoot, UFOs, and Ghostly Realms

Encountering the Unknown: Author Linda Eastburn on Bigfoot, UFOs, and Ghostly Realms

Dairyland Frights

Welcome to another thrilling episode of Dairyland Frights, the paranormal podcast that explores everything eerie and mysterious in the Midwest and beyond. In this episode, we sit down with Linda Eastburn, the author of "Threshold to Encounters," and a seasoned investigator in the realms of UFOs, cryptids, and the paranormal.

Linda shares her fascinating journey into the world of the unexplained, beginning with her introduction to a UFO research group in the early '90s. As a hypnotist, Linda found herself drawn into the UFO community, conducting regressions for those who believed they had been abducted. Her experiences have led her to explore the connections between UFOs, Bigfoot, and ghostly encounters, culminating in her book that delves into these mysterious phenomena.

Join us as Linda recounts her most extraordinary encounters, from witnessing UFOs associated with cattle mutilations to the eerie presence of energy in her home. Her investigations have taken her across the country, interviewing countless individuals and uncovering the hidden truths behind these phenomena.



00:00 - Dairyland Frights is a paranormal podcast that covers everything spooky

01:08 - What inspired you to write Threshold to Encounters about UFOs and Bigfoot

04:22 - Part of the reason people get into the paranormal is because they've had experiences

11:18 - You describe seeing an orange light hovering above trees on Sunday morning

14:43 - The first regression I did of someone who felt like they had been abducted was frightening

22:22 - One of my students disappeared mysteriously on Tuesday night after meeting for six weeks

23:55 - You had a weird experience with your phone when you were doing hypnosis

29:26 - The hang-up call could have been an intimidation process or a paranormal activity

30:44 - How do you feel about the recent UFO, uh, revelations in the press

35:20 - I think everyone can do remote viewing, it's a learnable skill

42:04 - A house that was up for auction had an intuitive impression that it would sell

45:35 - What do you think extraterrestrials want from us, Linda

51:48 - After being abducted, some people develop conversations with extraterrestrials

54:18 - I hope we never catch Bigfoot, but what if we do

59:54 - What do you think the relation is between Bigfoot and UFOs

01:04:20 - Every state has a cryptic, whether it be in lakes or forests

01:11:43 - The book talks about connections between aliens, Bigfoot, and even ghost encounters

01:14:01 - Linda: I'm speaking at an ex-con conference in Missouri in October

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the world of the paranormal, uncovering the mysteries that lie within. If you're intrigued by the unknown, be sure to check out Linda's book, "Threshold to Encounters," and explore the connections between these extraordinary events.


Linda Eastburn
[Author Linda Eastburn](https://www.example.com/linda-eastburn)


Threshold to Encounters
[Threshold to Encounters Book](https://www.example.com/threshold-to-encounters)


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[Midwest Research Society](https://www.example.com/midwest-research-society)


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