Reading and Commentary on Jameson Lopp’s History of Bitcoin Maximalism part 1

Reading and Commentary on Jameson Lopp’s History of Bitcoin Maximalism part 1

Tokyo Citadel Builders

    • Intro: Welcome to the Citadel Builders podcast. This show revolves around discussions with pleb builders actively looking to create and develop circular economies, advance the use of Bitcoin for long term savings and day-to-day transactions. We aim to raise awareness of the dangers of ever-encroaching government and corporate surveillance, showing people how to take practical steps to increase their privacy and sovereignty. In so doing we aim to add our voices to those fighting to reduce the corruption made possible by fiat money and its destructive consequences. Block by block we build and participate in a circular bitcoin economy of free and sovereign individuals.
  • Japan segment: G7

  • Builder Segment: Zerosync 

  • Main Topic: Commentary on Jameson Lopp: a history of bitcoin maximalism 


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