We, humans, are meant to belong. We have an innate need for human connection, belonging, and community. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, belongingness and love are listed right after the basic survival needs. In this week’s live podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how you can find your people in the sea of people who surround you. Finding your people will not happen quickly, so taking your time, patience, and diligence is essential. Keep trying and going out there and being intentional, and you will find your tribe.
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Kevin: @neverquitkid
Alan: @alazaros88
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Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc
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Show notes:
[1:56] How do you find your people?
[4:29] Who do you have to be in the different types of people you surround yourself with?
[8:48] You’re not alone in your fear of judgment
[13:22] Janine Morris talks about how valuable Group Coaching is, what's her take away and why she thinks you should take the leap. Click here: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[13:55] Start a community wrapped around what you value
[17:06] Relationships are a byproduct of a mutual core value
[19:23] Change might be the most difficult but necessary thing of all time
[22:04] Join Next Level Monthly Meetup #11: "How To Find Your Unique Genius Zone" on Nov 3, 2022, 06:00 PM EST - https://bit.ly/3VcREWB
[23:18] Next Level U Book Club - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-book-club/
[24:24] Outro