Spencer Hall AKA Bum Chillups! White Guy Bingo, Colin Kaepernick & Javon Kinlaw.

Spencer Hall AKA Bum Chillups! White Guy Bingo, Colin Kaepernick & Javon Kinlaw.

Green Light with Chris Long

(2:27) - Chris’ Thoughts on the Most Recent Mass Shooting in the United States.

(14:42) - Layup Line and GBU: Colin Kaepernick, Javon Kinlaw vs San Francisco Reporter & The Northman Review.

(54:06) - Spencer Hall AKA Bum Chillups Talks SEC Coaches Battle Royale, Radio and TV Show Hosts, Relegation in American Pro Sports and Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson.

(1:34:53) - White Guy Bingo: Questions to Determine Who Has Done More “White Guy” Actions.

Green Light Spotify Music: https://open.spotify.com/user/951jyryv2nu6l4iqz9p81him9?si=17c560d10ff04a9b

Spotify Layup Line: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1olmCMKGMEyWwOKaT1Aah3?si=675d445ddb824c42

Green Light Tube YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenLightTube1

Green Light with Chris Long:

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