Title: Here's To The Crazy Ones
By: Andy Mackie
Bible Reading: Book of Acts (Chapter 5, verse 12-42)
Recorded: Sunday 08/03/2020 at our Bournville Gathering.
Description: Part of our teaching series called '#AGAIN' looking at the early chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible. Our hope and prayer as we explore these studies together is that God would begin to awaken us to what he is doing and will do again. Maybe, just maybe, we might dare to see extraordinary things happen among us!
Here's To The Crazy Ones:
Video - https://vimeo.com/394947044
In every generation, there are one or two people who change the rules. They are game-changers, with such vision, that everything that comes after them is completely different. William Wilberforce, Emmeline Pankhurst, Martin Luther King. It’s easy to see how important these people are. But, what we so easily forget is the pain and opposition that they had to endure as they went about changing the world. And that’s the thing with challenging and changing the status quo. People don’t like it. Lots of people don’t like it! And the same is true for followers of Jesus. It always has been, and always will be. Jesus so changed the world and its norms and patterns, that ever since followers of Christ have been called to challenge the status quo. And that often means painful opposition. Maybe we need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.