Ep. 83 - David Homan Shares Impactful Wisdom

Ep. 83 - David Homan Shares Impactful Wisdom

The Main Thing Podcast

Welcome to the Main Thing Podcast! I’m your host, Skip Lineberg. Our special guest is a powerhouse thinker and connector. He’s as gifted in  crafting harmonies and melodies as he is in composing high-impact connections between action-oriented, natural-givers. Tune in to discover the power and impact of David Homan’s unique approach to relationships, connections and composing.


David Homan is a classical composer and connector, who built Orchestrated Connecting, a community of impact focused super-connectors whose relationship value is beyond comparison. David focuses on the interaction of access and impact, with a particular focus on areas such as climate change, mental health, investing in women and diverse founders, health and wellness, and philanthropy. You can find his music simply by asking Alexa to play it. David joins us today from New York, NY.


Settle into your symphony hall seat. Over the next 9 minutes, you will discover why David Homan is one of the wisest people I know.



David’s website for his company Orchestrated Connecting

Connect with David on LinkedIn


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Content You Will Enjoy in This Episode


[00:00:01] - Intro and welcome

[00:01:33] - Brief bio for David Homan

[00:02:30] - Greetings and opening dialog

[00:03:00] - “Smells Like Teen Spirit” rediscovering his love for music

[00:04:19] - Realizing the value and investment embedded in relationships

[00:05:10] - Accelerating change; relationship value & pressure; avoiding shame

[00:06:25] - Not a business but a model for connectors to be valued; accelerating trust

[00:06:50] - Your opportunity to help keep our pipeline of wisdom flowing

[00:08:00] - David reveals his Main Thing wisdom

[00:09:10] - Differences between wants, desires and needs; true source of happiness

[00:10:00] - Anatomy of the Ask … seeing the value we are asking or taking

[00:10:45] - Relationship inequality, givers and takers, the imbalance

[00:11:30] - Understanding and claiming the value we bring as connectors

[00:12:10] - Being selfish while being selfless

[00:13:00] - How to learn more about David’s model or to connect with him

[00:13:20] - Being selfish while being selfless

[00:14:50] - Thank you and good-bye

[00:15:34] - Outro


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