#858 - Your Reality Becomes The Parts Of Your Imagination You Hold Onto The Longest

#858 - Your Reality Becomes The Parts Of Your Imagination You Hold Onto The Longest

Next Level University

Every goal, every dream, everything started as an imagination. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how one thing may start as your imagination, but through hard work and dedication, that dream may turn into a reality. So when you have something you’d like to become or to have, hold on to that image and work your way to getting it. People may hold you back and say it’s impossible; just remember that that’s what they said about airplanes once upon a time.

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Show notes:
[1:24] Don’t feel bad about using your imagination
[5:05] People don’t set a goal because they don’t understand how achievable it is
[8:39] Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Podcast Host John Laurito of Tomorrow’s Leader shares how fond he is of Kevin’s podcast services
[10:05] Create a vision board
[13:13] It’s okay not to have big goals right now
[14:50] First Annual Next Level Retreat
[18:47] Outro


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