When All the Rejections Become Resounding Yeses!

When All the Rejections Become Resounding Yeses!

The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

In today's Books with HooksJessica and Kate join Carly and CeCe who critique their work, in the process discussing  the important difference between a reader's curiosity about what happened before your pages started versus curiosity about what is going to happen in the novel; knowing exactly what you want your readers to be thinking  after reading your first pages; the issues with having a protagonist that is too self aware at the beginning of a novel; the requirements when choosing between  single and dual POVS; and the concept of the 'ick' factor.

After which, Bianca chats with Amber and Danielle Brown, twin sisters and co-authors of Someone Had To Do It . They discuss the synergy between co-authors as they’re developing characters and story; turning a script into a novel; making social and cultural commentary entertaining; drawing from your own life experiences; humanizing a really unlikable character to make them compelling; incorporating perfectly timed backstory; what to look for when choosing an editor and agent; and knowing when to say no to edits.

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Websites: www.theshitaboutwriting, www.biancamarais.com and www.carlywatters.com 
Amber and Danielle can be found at www.amberanddanielle.com and on Instagram at @amberanddanielle

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