Common Ground’s First-Ever Stammtisch: A Scintillating Look at the News

Common Ground’s First-Ever Stammtisch: A Scintillating Look at the News

Common Ground Berlin

How will Germans respond to beer getting more expensive? What will the outcome of the ongoing coalition talks mean for younger Germans? How do Americans perceive the legacy of Angela Merkel? And is Joe Biden a hit or a miss in Germany?

Host Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson and her guests delve into these issues and more on this special episode of Common Ground, which was the opening event of Podfest Berlin 2021. Joining her are guests: Agence France-Presse Correspondent Deborah Cole (@deborah); Comedian Georg Kammerer (@GeorgFKa); and Podfest Berlin Founder and Performer Daniel Stern (@DanielandStern).

This show was recorded live at Comedy Café Berlin and produced by Dina Elsayed. 


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