Meet Cute Presents: Ain’t Love Super, Season 1, an audio romantic comedy. In a city where superheroes and supervillains exist, it can be nearly impossible for both groups to balance their work, love lives, and alter-egos. During their morning commute, Ellie and Dylan hit it off, only to meet each other in combat later as superhero and supervillain. They’re not the only ones with superpowers in this city, but they are the ones falling madly in love.
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Check out our other rom-coms, including KERRI with Pauline Chalamet, IMPERFECT MATCH with Arden Cho, and DUMP HIM! with Minnie Mills.
Check out our other dramas, including FIRE & ICE with Chiara Aurelia and Jack Martin, and POWER TEN.
Check out our other fantasies, including A PROPHECY OF INCENSE AND SNOW and I’VE BECOME A TRUE VILLAINESS.
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