#1001 - Don't Pass Your Traumas Onto Others

#1001 - Don't Pass Your Traumas Onto Others

Next Level University

We all have traumas in some way, shape, or form. While some people overcome theirs, others pass those same traumas onto others. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the importance of not passing on your trauma to others, especially your own kids.

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Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

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Show notes:
[1:39] Accept responsibility to make sure that someone doesn’t have to deal with it in the future
[5:22] You won’t know that your normal isn’t normal unless you have something to compare it to
[8:07] Tim Melanson, the host of Work at Home RockStar Podcast and Founder of Creative Crew Agency, talks about his experience with Next Level Universe 
[15:08] Group coaching #7 starts July 12, 2022
[15:56] Outro


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