167 - "7 Life Lessons From The Trailer Park" with Clyde Middleton

167 - "7 Life Lessons From The Trailer Park" with Clyde Middleton

Going North Podcast

“I’m always looking for what can I learn next.” - Clyde Middleton


Today's featured author is active Toastmaster, John Maxwell Team Certified Coach, Teacher, and Speaker, Clyde A. Middleton. Clyde and I talk about his new book and the power of believing in the right words.


Key Takeaways:

Waking up on this side of the grass is a good day.

Never let someone else’s opinion guide the rest of your life.

Someone else’s opinion of me doesn’t define you.

We are luckier than we think we are.

If you want to grow you have to change your environment.

One big decision in your life can make a major difference in your life.

Attitude is everything and it determines how we far get in life.

You can accomplish anything if you are willing to pay the price.

Have a gratitude mindset.


Clyde's Site: https://clydemiddleton.com/ 


Clyde's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Lessons-Trailer-Park-Everyone/dp/0578507218


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