11/11/09 - Show #254: "Chiefs Pregame plus Tribute To Al Davis and more"

11/11/09 - Show #254: "Chiefs Pregame plus Tribute To Al Davis and more"

Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg


Segment #1: Tribute to Al Davis - Why?

Greg encourages all of Raider Nation to watch a video currently on Raides.com that tells the Al Davis story.

Segment #2: Cable flew over the cuckoo's nest

Tom Cable can't stay out of the news. Greg reviews a current story of Cable allegedly involved in domestic violence. Al Davis isn't showing his former support for Cable. What is coming in Cable's future? Will he remain the Raiders coach in 2010?

Segment #3: Raiders Fan on Raiders Fan bickering

Enough with the fan on fan aggression within the Raider Nation.

Segment #4: Chiefs @ Raiders Pregame

Raider Greg previews the upcoming Chiefs @ Raiders game. No Chargers postgame this week, because Raider Greg is getting tired trying to figure out what to say after all these losses!

Segment #5: Raider Nation “Boneline” Call-in Segment. This week it becomes the "Raider Nation Suicide Hotline"

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Music credit: The Raiders by Sam Spence; Back in Black by AC-DC; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood.

Available in the iTunes store.

Running time - 1:16:47


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Raider Nation Podcast - Las Vegas Raiders News and Opinion with Raider Greg • 11/11/09 - Show #254: "Chiefs Pregame plus Tribute To Al Davis and more" • Listen on Fountain