Have you ever struggled with setting boundaries for yourself, only to find out that the consequences can be quite challenging? In this candid conversation, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss the importance of staying in alignment with our goals and the sacrifices that come with pursuing big dreams. We talk about letting go of the need to be liked by everyone and focusing on our own personal growth and achievements. Tune in and learn how to navigate the challenging yet rewarding journey of setting boundaries for the sake of personal growth and achievement.
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Show notes:
[4:07] Ability to set boundaries
[5:48] Alan shares a story
[7:20] Flirting with burnout
[11:55] Saying no if it's not in alignment
[17:52] Nathan expresses his appreciation for the invaluable coaching services he received from Alan
[18:34] Kevin's bodybuilding prep
[21:05] Goals above friendships
[26:27] Learning to let go
[32:35] Outro