Have you ever had a morning when you wake up in a lousy mood and automatically think that this day will suck, and then it actually does? It's like you put a jinx on yourself. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about mindset and how yours could be holding you back. Everything we do in our lives is a reflection of our words, thoughts, and actions, which then reflect on how we see the world and our conscious and subconscious beliefs. Therefore, you need to train your mind to stay healthy, ambitious, and work with you. Not against you.
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Show notes:
[2:00] It’s not what happens to you; it’s what you choose to do about it
[7:43] Having a growth mindset allows you to change over time
[12:13] On making a mistake because of a fixed mindset
[15:24] Bonnie Cleland from Group Coaching group 6 offers her experience and a couple of tips
[23:47] Do you have the perseverance to do it long enough?
[28:09] Join the Next Level Nation private Facebook group
[28:31] 8th group coaching starts October 4, 2022
[30:04] Outro