We all have an inner critic. At times this little voice can actually be helpful and keep us motivated toward goals. However, this voice can often be more harmful than helpful, particularly when it gets into the realm of excessive negativity. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about one common mistake that will affect your identity, how you see yourself, and how you introduce yourself to others. Thinking negative things about yourself may feel like astute observations, but your thoughts and feelings about yourself can definitely not be considered accurate information. Your thoughts can be skewed like everyone else's, subject to biases and the influence of your moods.
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Show notes:
[1:24] Your self-talk is unreasonably important to your identity
[6:20] It gets uncomfortable when you have evidence to the contrary of your current identity
[9:09] How are you describing yourself?
[11:03] It is important to have the right community around you?
[14:15] Janine Morris talks about how valuable Group Coaching is, what's her take away and why she thinks you should take the leap. Click here: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[14:52] Understand the implications of how you describe yourself in terms of your results
[19:55] Empowerment and resilience
[23:51] 9th round of group coaching starts January 3, 2022
[24:37] Reach out to Alan and book a free 30-minute call: https://calendly.com/alanlazaros/30-minute-mastermind-with-alan
[26:04] Outro