(3:30) - Howie Long talks about Green Light Softball, Favorite Sports Movies and watching the Spurs with Charlie Sheen
(32:16) - Howie reacts to the Chargers 2023 NFL Schedule Release Video, the 2023 Titans Schedule Release Video and talks Davante Adams in Las Vegas, Sauce Gardner in New York and Justin Herbert in LA
(55:34) - NFL Schedule Review: Best Revenge and Playoff Implication Games
(1:19:00) - Howie, Chris and Dr. Fax draft All-Time Celebrity Flat Top Hair Cuts
Have some interesting takes, some codebreaks or just want to talk to the Green Light Crew? We want to hear from you. Call into the Green Light Hotline and give us your hottest takes, your biggest gripes and general thoughts. Day and night, this hotline is open.
Green Light Hotline: (202) 991-0723
Send any Talent Search submissions to: social@chalkmedia.com
Include any video of your talents, takes and bits as well as a little bit about yourself. Love hearing from the Green Light fans.
Green Light Spotify Music: https://open.spotify.com/user/951jyryv2nu6l4iqz9p81him9?si=17c560d10ff04a9b
Spotify Layup Line: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1olmCMKGMEyWwOKaT1Aah3?si=675d445ddb824c42
Green Light Tube YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreenLightTube1
Green Light with Chris Long:
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