Making the Most of Your TriDot Training

Making the Most of Your TriDot Training

The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

As sophisticated as the training design is, once you onboard to TriDot, executing your workouts is as simple as pulling up today's session and doing it. Even still, there are helpful explanations and tips that can help make your experience training with TriDot as smooth and effective as possible. Here to help us get the most out of your TriDot training, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions, are coaches John Mayfield and Joanna Nami. Join us for today's episode as the coaches tell what makes TriDot more sophisticated and effective than other training platforms and apps.

A big thanks to UCAN for being a long time partner of the podcast!

At TriDot we are huge believers in using UCAN to fuel our training and racing. To experience UCAN’s LIVSTEADY products for yourself, head to their website! Use the code “TriDot” to save 20 percent on your entire order.

Huge thanks to deltaG for also partnering with us on this episode.

To learn more about the performance boosting benefits of deltaG Ketones head to and use code TRIDOT20 for 20% off your order. On their site you can:

1. Learn more about fueling with deltaG ketone products.

2. Make a standalone purchase, or subscribe for ongoing deltaG ketone deliveries.

3. Book a FREE 15 minute video consultation with Brian, an expert on exogenous ketones, and deltaG in particular, to discuss your individual goals and best choice of deltaG drink to exceed those goals.

Participate in Triathlon Research! The Preseason Project® is a triathlon research initiative that helps us quantify and enhance the performance gains that TriDot’s Optimized Training™ delivers over training alternatives. Qualified participants receive 2 free months of triathlon training. Learn more and apply here:

For more information about TriDot Pool School head to


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