Some people believe that you can create the life you want and that it is entirely possible to transform your current circumstances and move closer to the life you dream of each day. But the reality is, it’s not as straightforward. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share how you can balance chasing your dreams while having fun on the side – the ultimate fulfillment. Love where you’re at. If you are always looking to the future and delaying your happiness until you reach your ultimate goal, not only will you miss out on life now, but you will also find it incredibly difficult to find joy when you hit a roadblock.
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Show notes:
[1:40] Find the balance between the future and the now
[8:43] Optimize your life for what’s most likely
[16:05] Tim Melanson, the host of Work at Home RockStar Podcast and Founder of Creative Crew Agency, talks about his experience with Next Level Universe
[17:14] Create a sustainable stretch
[26:49] Outro