EP73 James Lindsay on Cynical Theories

EP73 James Lindsay on Cynical Theories

The Jim Rutt Show

James Lindsay talks with Jim about the history of social progress, illiberalism from postmodernism & its impact on science & culture, and much more...

James Lindsay talks with Jim about his parody scholarly article project, intentions of his latest book, liberalism as a process, history of social progress, illiberalism from the left, the history of postmodernism & its impact on science, cultural & economic power dynamics, postmodern principals & themes, the postmodern applied turn, identity politics, strategic essentialism, post-colonialism, fighting reason & empiricism, research justice, the scope of postmodern cultural influence, queer theory, sex & gender, critical race theory & intersectionality, IQ's impact on cognitive bias, personal responsibility vs victimization, the challenges of fighting illiberal postmodernism, and more.

Episode Transcript

Mentions & Recommendations

James on Twitter
James & Helen Pluckrose's book, Cynical Theories
James' book, How to Have Impossible Conversations
James' book, Everybody Is Wrong About God
The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill
Michel Foucault
Jacques Derrida
Heather E Heying

Dr. James Lindsey is an American-born author, mathematician, and political commentator. He has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is the co-founder of New Discourses and is motivated to rationally improve health “equity” without throwing out the baby with all this critical bathwater.


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