Read_849 - A Global Liquidity Barometer

Read_849 - A Global Liquidity Barometer

Bitcoin Audible

"These findings are notable because they demonstrate that even though the strength of the correlation may vary based on the time frame, Bitcoin’s price direction generally aligns with the direction of global liquidity. Furthermore, its price direction more closely mirrors global liquidity than any other traditional asset analyzed."
— Sam Callahan

If Bitcoin was set to become the purest price signal in the global economy, how might that manifest before it became a more widespread medium of exchange, and still played mostly the role of risk asset in global markets? Would it maybe provide the clearest, least affected by other arbitrary supply changes, market conditions, or jurisdictional economic effects than any other asset? Might it already be the best asset in the world for a directional correlation with global liquidity and a mirror for the money supply than every other traditional asset?

What if we had analysis that suggested exactly this? Sam Callahan and Lyn Alden bring us this incredible investigation into Bitcoin's role in the global economy, and how it may already be telling us more than we realize. Don't miss this incredible investigation into global markets.

Check out the original article at Bitcoin: A Global Liquidity Barometer (Link: 

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"Education is an admirable thing but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
— Oscar Wilde.


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