#956 - Choose Progress Over Perfection!

#956 - Choose Progress Over Perfection!

Next Level University

There’s nothing wrong with having high expectations. Wanting the absolute best for ourselves and those we love is human nature. What’s wrong is when we overlook the progress we’ve made because we’re preoccupied with aiming for what’s considered to be perfect. Hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the concept of perfection and how it’s never achievable in today’s episode. Each of us has a different version of our best self, and that’s what you should strive for instead of comparing yourself to others.

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Show notes:
[1:43] Focus on progress over perfection
[5:21] Overcoming the need to look good
[8:10] Everybody started out as beginners
[11:57] The host of Tomorrow’s Leader, John Laurito, has this to say about Kevin and NLPS (Next Level Podcast Solutions)
[13:05] It all has to do with who you compare yourself to
[15:27] Becoming the best version of you is an infinite game
[20:11] Leave a review and get a chance to win a $100 gift card
[20:44] NLU has an amazing course that will get you back on track — download it for FREE
[22:25] Outro


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