#1246 - How To Stick With Something For The Long Run

#1246 - How To Stick With Something For The Long Run

Next Level University

In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about what to do to be able to stick with something for the long run. They discuss how to break down the goal into smaller manageable parts. They share how celebrating small wins helps you keep going. Manage your expectation and focus on the small goals that build up to the main goal, and before you know it, you are succeeding because of those little steps. Start at a crawl if you have to; the important thing is that you start.

Link mentioned:
Next Level Live on April 1, 2023, will take your life to the next level -
Next Level U Book Club -

Website 💻 www.nextleveluniverse.com

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Instagram 📷
Alan: @alazaros88

LinkedIn ✍
Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

Email 💬

Show notes:
[3:05] Compounded results
[6:10] Shrink the thing and stop needing things to be perfect
[7:58] Create a streak and make it bigger than you
[11:49] Tim Melanson, the host of Work at Home RockStar Podcast and Founder of Creative Crew Agency, talks about his coaching experience with Alan Lazaros
[12:41] Find wins in the journey
[13:40] Have an accurate expectation
[21:06] Celebrate the wins and communicate the struggles
[26:17] Outro

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