How Death Informs Life with Texas Slim

How Death Informs Life with Texas Slim

Death and Bitcoin

In this episode, I sit down with my friend Texas Slim @modernTman to chat about all things life and death: literally.
We go beyond the "what" of Slim's mission with The Beef Initiative to discover the "why" - what lead him to living a purpose-driven life and relentlessly pursuing his vision?
How has he aligned the way he navigates the world with his values system? 
What did multiple brushes with death teach him about himself, and how to be of service to the world?
If you're on a mission to be of service and shift the current paradigm, get ready to be super stoked by this conversation. 
Bitcoiners are going to change the world.

Get in touch, let me know what you think, come on the show! 
Email me at or shoot me a DM on Twitter @Erincrawford41


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