Title: Whats Your Story?
By: Nathanael Ballew
Bible Reading: Acts Chapter 3: verse 11 & Chapter 4: verse 12
Recorded: Sunday 19/01/2020 at our Moseley Gathering.
Video: https://vimeo.com/386514421/ee8114f027
Description: Part of our teaching series called '#AGAIN' looking at the early chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible. Our hope and prayer as we explore these studies together is that God would begin to awaken us to what he is doing and will do again. Maybe, just maybe, we might dare to see extraordinary things happen among us!
What's Your Story?
In a recent interview, a Silicon Valley executive confessed that "I don’t want the world to be fixed, if I’m not the one fixing it". It was an honest admission that many of us can identify with. We want to be in on the action, playing our part in history. We want our lives to really count. We want the story of our lives to be one that is worth telling! But what if the story of our lives is actually not about us at all? What if we are really part of a much, much bigger story? As we read about the earliest followers of Jesus in the book of Acts, we discover that they had a very distinctive view of their lives. They knew that what was happening was a tiny part of a massive picture. In fact, they knew that their lives only counted because of that much, much bigger picture. It was only as they discovered how small they were, they saw how big God really is.
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.