#1061 - Do You Realize How Much Your Family Is Influencing You?

#1061 - Do You Realize How Much Your Family Is Influencing You?

Next Level University

The relationships between your mother, father, sister, or brother are the first relationships we learn to form in our lives. So it is not surprising that these can significantly impact us later in life and even determine how well we develop new connections in the future. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how much your family can influence you, whether in the way you talk, think, or believe. While you had no choice but to follow your family as a child, as an adult, you now have the means to decide whether or not to take whatever they say with a grain of salt.


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Show notes:
[1:42] If you take everything they say as truth, you won’t live your life the way you want
[4:06] A lot of what they say is predicated on fear and low-awareness
[10:10] Roberta Ndela sharing her group coaching experience
[12:30] Risk is personal
[17:18] Next Level Live 2022: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-live-2022-registration/
[18:28] Next Level 5 to Thrive: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-5-to-thrive-registration/
[19:26] Outro

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