Hershall, we had a great day on the church bus... It was renamed as an Epic-cast by one of our listeners. I think that is carrying things way too far. We started by settling a HUGE offense that happened over the Thanksgiving and Christmas season to one of the if not THE leading youth pastor of our movement... none other that Rev. Matthew Wilson. He was guest on the show when Deacon Dustin was on vacation (big word for R &R) back in the fall of '21 and when we were passing out accolades (another big word that sounded like it fit there) over the holidays we failed to mention his valuable contribution to Pod'N Me. We finished the day by talking about an important topic of what it means to have virtue. That only came after the Deacon Busted open a needed discussion about one of the mane (word for hair) characters in the Old Testament. We'd love to hear from you so email us at devin@podnme.org. Follow us on Instagram @podn_me. Blessings!
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Email devin@podnme.org
Follow us on Instagram @podn_me
Personalities on Pod'N Me
Pastor: Devin Birdsong
Deacon: Dustin Wakley
Songleader: Brad Cottrell
Hershall: Jud Ingram
News Anchor, Dink Burbank: Josh Smith
Gen Z Boy: Brooks Birdsong