#1083 - The Difference Between Happiness And Fulfillment…

#1083 - The Difference Between Happiness And Fulfillment…

Next Level University

All kinds of things make us happy: hitting goals at work, completing a project, relationships, and eating ice cream. Fulfillment, though, is different. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss the difference between happiness and fulfillment and how both can be different for each of us. Happiness comes when you are mindful of the present moment and connect with the people around you. Fulfillment is knowing you are giving your service to something in life more significant than yourself.

The photo Alan referred to in today's episode: https://bit.ly/3wWBUfT

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Show notes:
[1:37] Happy is the result; fulfillment is being in the process of doing something
[3:30] The happiness framework
[11:56] Needs of the ego and needs of the soul
[13:50] Helen Baker shares her experience with Alan on Next Level Business Solutions
[20:02] Recognizing fulfillment in other people
[26:38] The Next Level Five to Thrive free course is on the website: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-5-to-thrive-registration/
[27:38] Podcast Growth University: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/podcast-growth-university/
[29:04] Outro

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