A World on Fire Season 2! All Star Comics 58 and 59, 1976! "The Super Squad!"

A World on Fire Season 2! All Star Comics 58 and 59, 1976! "The Super Squad!"

A World on Fire; An All-Star Squadron Podcast!

Finally! We are back and better than ever! Join us for this romp on Earth 2, as we pick up with the continuation of All Star Comics from the Golden Age. Sean and Ross join me and we discuss these two issues, along with our thoughts on a few more things that may or may not be relevant! The books have a solid creative team, and we heap tons of praise on them for sure.
As usual, you can contact the show through email at Aworldonfirepodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter @Allsquadron or on the Fb page. You can find Sean on twitter @Sean42AZ (and on th Pulp 2 Pixel Network or the Bat-Pod), and Ross is on Twitter @JSA4E (and his show is Stop! Let's Team Up!). Thanks for listening!


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