Episode 066: working vacation, things to consider in running a bnb, Highball to Thurmond, Memorial Day and more ...!

Episode 066: working vacation, things to consider in running a bnb, Highball to Thurmond, Memorial Day and more ...!

The Holstein House Podcast

In this episode:Episode 66:  working vacation, things to consider in running a bnb, Highball to Thurmond, Memorial Day and more ...!


Charleston Distance Run https://charlestondistancerun.com/ 

Bridge Day 5K - https://runsignup.com/Race/WV/Fayetteville/BridgeDay5KRun 

Holstein House BNB


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Nursery Rhymes Grandma Told Me: https://a.co/11NuvZs

25 Favorite Home Cooked Recipes: https://a.co/3fuvql0 

Think Outside The Office: https://a.co/fm93oyt Published 2010

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The Holstein House Podcast • Episode 066: working vacation, things to consider in running a bnb, Highball to Thurmond, Memorial Day and more ...! • Listen on Fountain