Fear, just like love, is a powerful emotion. They can motivate us beyond what we believe is possible. Fear of losing health can drive us to exercise, eat nutritiously, or stop smoking. But fear has a flip side. It can freeze us in place and bind us to a mindset that steals our ability to live a fulfilling life. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about fear and how our ability to overcome it depends on our courage to see through its lies.
Links mentioned:
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Next Level Monthly Meetup #14: "Building Trust, Safety, & Communicating Effectively In Your Relationship” on February 2, 2023, @ 6 pm ET: https://bit.ly/3vIKq0S
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Kevin: @neverquitkid
Alan: @alazaros88
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Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc
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Show notes:
[1:23] Fear is the fence that we put up ourselves
[4:20] Validate-dissipate
[8:55] The longer you believe it, the harder it is to overcome
[13:50] Kim Christiansen shares how Kevin and Next Level Podcast Solutions helped her kickstart her podcast - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-podcast-solutions/
[14:27] Irrational fears are mostly lies
[19:49] If you study your fears often, you can make them better
[25:53] Outro