The Crucial Forgotten Element of Education with Hannah Brusven

The Crucial Forgotten Element of Education with Hannah Brusven

BaseCamp Live

As parents, we’re not meant to raise our children alone. Community matters—partnering with schools, churches, and other families helps shape a shared vision and a strong culture for our children. Yet, in a world where busyness and digital distractions dominate, meaningful communication between home and school has never been more challenging.

In this episode, Davies Owens and his daughter, Hannah, dive into the crucial but often forgotten element of classical Christian education: effective communication between schools and parents. Drawing from their experience with ZipCast and insights from national surveys, they explore how schools can better engage parents and equip families with the tools needed to raise the next generation.

🎧 Join us as we rediscover the power of partnership between home, school, and church—and why it’s essential for shaping students who love what is true, good, and beautiful.

Link to Survey:

Special Thanks to our partners who make BaseCamp Live possible:

Wilson Hill Academy
Classic Learning Test
Gordon College
Classical Academic Press
Life Architects Coaching
Light Phone

Stay tuned for more enlightening discussions on classical Christian education, and join us next time on BaseCamp Live! Remember to subscribe, leave us a review, and reach out to us at

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