James Heppner nearly gave up. He nearly lost his marriage, his family, his career and everything he had worked for.
He tried to sleep the days away hoping it would get better. Until he realized it had to come from him.
This is James' story.
My life worked, until it didn’t. Business was strong, capital was plentiful and life seemed all I had every dared wish it to be. Performing life vs. Living life nearly near cost me my business, my investments, my children and my marriage. The never ending hyper-vigilant striving to achieve the next level of success suddenly awakened me to the deep emptiness of my current lived experience. Unable to truly celebrate and instead deeply anxious about the rawness of who I really was on the inside, I flip flopped between being restless & bored, and anxious & depressed.
Thankfully peace didn’t come but instead, I feel into a million tiny pieces. It forced me to build a new infrastructure grounded upon authenticity and gratitude. I made critical decisions like “my joy is not for sale” and “losses are simply disguised gifts hidden in plain sight”.
I’ve spent the last decade designing my life of gratitude and can honestly say I have a unshakeable love with my life. Not in-spite of the losses that I’ve had to endure however rather BECAUSE of the losses that I’ve utilized well.
Fearing Fear itself has now left me.
Today I help people ignite their vibrant energy towards life by turning towards what they really want - to courageously step towards their comforts and discomforts with curiosity and an open embrace of the goodness that lies at the core of both the win and the loss.
Truth is - Real life is made up of both wins and loses. Both were designed for your good - thats basic reality. Without facing and learning how to embrace your losses for greater gain, you miss out.
Why choose to leave 50% of your life experience on the table when you can choose to do the work so that you can have it all?
Life can be good news - if we let it.
Life can shine In through the cracks - if we let it in.
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WEBSITE: http://www.jamesheppner.com/
PODCAST: https://www.jamesheppner.com/podcast
NUTRITION: https://www.freedomnutritioncoach.com
YOUTUBE: https://jonmclernon.link/YouTube
CRUSH YOUR CRAVINGS GUIDE: https://www.freedomnutritioncoach.com/book
FREE 7-DAY CHALLENGE: https://www.freedomnutritioncoach.com/7-day-challenge
PODCAST: https://jonmclernon.link/btba-podcast
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