"You are going to attract what you are."
Have you taken the time to check the people surrounding you? Are they elevating you or holding you back? If you are committed to growth, you need to find and create a next level community. In today's live podcast, Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk through a couple of frameworks that will help you keep and find the right people to become part of your tribe.
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Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/
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Show notes:
[1:35] The five buckets and how we came up with it
[6:13] Here's a good illustration (you might want to watch this on YouTube)
[8:57] Living in your truth and leveling up
[12:20] The power of creating a void
[15:36] The two types of people and some examples
[17:15] What do you need to do to build a next level community?
[19:27] This week, Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy from The Business of Happiness shares her one-on-one coaching experience
[22:25] Get outside of your bubble
[27:48] "You can't grow in your comfort zone"
[28:21] Let the rubber band snap
[31:05] Are you afraid to lose love OR afraid to lose people?
[34:01] The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware
[37:30] The Q&A session will be available on Thursday; make sure you tune in
[37:47] Outro