#1213 - Would You Bet On You?

#1213 - Would You Bet On You?

Next Level University

Do you want to know the one person who will be there for you no matter what? Take a good, long look in the mirror. Yes, that person is you! Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the importance of betting on yourself. When you bet on yourself, you permit yourself to chase after your dreams. You deserve to bet on yourself, but no one can make you do it. Either you become the master of your fate or wait for someone to decide when you get to play and when you have to ride the bench.

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Alan: @alazaros88

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Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

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Show notes:
[1:32] How did Alan know to bet on Kevin?
[7:37] Where would you bet on yourself?
[11:03] Chad Osinga, the host of The Legend of You Podcast, shares his wonderful experience with Kevin and Next Level Podcast Solutions: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-podcast-solutions/
[11:36] Talent is useless if it doesn’t work hard
[18:30] Would you bet on yourself? If not, why?
[25:39] Outro

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