Although self-confidence can mean different things to different people, in reality, it simply means having faith in yourself. Self-confidence is not a static measure. Our confidence to perform roles and tasks and deal with situations can increase and decrease, and some days we may feel more confident than others. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share ways that you can start building your confidence. Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind. Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind, and belief in your own ability, skills, and experience.
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Show notes:
[2:26] Holding eye contact with people
[9:57] How did Kevin become more confident?
[12:27] Kim Christiansen shares how Kevin and Next Level Podcast Solutions helped her kickstart her podcast -
[13:04] Get comfortable talking to somebody
[15:45] Everybody has something that they struggle with in terms of confidence
[19:47] It has to do with where you are the most vulnerable
[27:21] Outro