Ep. 74 - Wisdom Revisited with Anna Sale

Ep. 74 - Wisdom Revisited with Anna Sale

The Main Thing Podcast

Welcome back to The Main Thing Podcast! This is a special episode. It’s the next in our mini-series “Wisdom Revisited,” where we are reconnecting with a few of our most popular guests from Seasons 1 & 2. As we revisit those guests and their ‘main thing’ wisdom, what will we find? Has it remained the primary driving force in their life? Or has something new taken that place of prominence in their heart and mind?


In this special 20-minute episode, we are joined by Anna Sale, host and founder of the fabulous, award-winning podcast, “Death, Sex & Money.” She and her show have won numerous awards and recognition, including Gracie and Webby Awards. Anna is a professional journalist, who worked for public radio for nearly a decade, covering politics. In her work she has interviewed such notables as Jane Fonda, Kevin Bacon and Madeleine Albright, just to name a few. A proud West Virginian, Anna published her first book in 2021, “Let’s Talk About Hard Things.”


Anna first appeared on The Main Thing Podcast in September 2020. Listen and discover how Anna Sale has applied - and perhaps evolved - her Main Thing wisdom. 



Link to Anna’s book in our BookShop online store

Official website of “Death, Sex & Money”

Ep. 32 of The Main Thing Podcast featuring 9 minutes of wisdom with Anna Sale


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Content You’ll Enjoy in this Podcast

[00:01] - Anna Sale's Main Thing #wisdom from September 2020

[00:20] - Intro, welcome and opening dialog

[01:25] - Look back at Episode 32 - Anna’s Main Thing; the covid time warp

[02:05] - Anna’s brief bio; Skip’s proud to have a signed copy of Anna’s book

[03:01] - Places and politics- Northern California, Wyoming and West Virginia

[04:44] - Skip calls the question: Is Anna’s Main Thing still her main thing, or has it shifted?

[06:05] - Anna craves a changing of the channel; balancing hard things with lighter things

[07:15] - Karaoke sing along parties, a lighter alternative to traditional book signings

[09:25] - Skip tosses out Tears for Fears and Toad the Wet Sprocket as karaoke suggestions

[09:45] - An opportunity for you to help keep the pipeline of wisdom flowing

[10:55] - Anna’s experience publishing her first book; irony of book theme and timing

[13:20] - New muscles gained as a result of the pandemic; shifts and cracks

[14:22] - A hard thing Anna’s been working through; new stages demand new approaches

[18:00] - We riff on how marriage isn’t always easy and requires work

[19:15] - Cooking for a family; Anna’s ace in the hole for dinner in a pinch

[20:15] - Her journalist’s perspective on the mood of America today; bunkers

[22:40] - How can journalists present stories that foster understanding?

[24:00] - Hoping for a durable way forward that’s not a force play; overcoming entrenchment

[26:55] - Skip shares for context a recent conversation with his son; car time

[28:35] - Women’s issues are important discussions for fathers and sons, not just women

[29:00] - Thank-you and goodbye


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