Being flexible in life is essential to ensure you don’t shut down when life doesn’t go as planned. But there are certain things in life that don’t need negotiation – especially your values and who you are as a person. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about their non-negotiables and the importance of having one yourself. Non-negotiables are personal vows that help you establish boundaries and prioritize what’s important in your life. While it’s important to be flexible, it’s equally important to hold yourself accountable to your non-negotiables.
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Alan: @alazaros88
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Show notes:
[1:23] 30-minutes of learning every day
[6:26]Differentiating learning and life
[7:44] Draw standards for yourself no matter what your non-negotiable is
[9:52] What is it like for Kevin to be a champion for learning every day?
[10:14] John Laurito, the host of Tomorrow's Leader, shares how he kick-started his podcast journey with Kevin and NLPS
[15:00] The value of learning
[18:05] The phases of self-improvement
[21:49] Outro
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