Welcome everyone, to another episode of The Build-a-Mine Podcast. We have our first of many guests with us today. Carliño from Digital Witness is with us to talk about his work helping to make sure the Guatemalan election process is safe and secure. We all know that trust is useless without the ability to verify the truth. Carliño has spent the last 4 years working on a project in conjunction with Open Time Stamps and Simpleproof, This effort is helping make sure that presidential elections and all elections really are not tampered with or stolen. There isn't much about Bitcoin Mining in this episode, but we believe you will still learn a lot from Carliño and his experience as an election auditor. Don't miss this episode, where you will learn how these projects are helping to secure and verify democracy in Guatemala, and possibly democracies all over the world! You can find Carliño and everything he is working on here - Twitter Handle @carlostoriello @carlostoriello Digital Witness website - https://fiscaldigital.net/english Open timestamps - https://opentimestamps.org/ Simple Proof - https://www.simpleproof.com/ Go to to.tool/Podcast to learn more about the show. Want to learn more about how to start mining 1 bitcoin per month? Watch our free 45-minute webinar on commercial-scale bitcoin mining. Here's the link- https://to.tools/bootcamp-intro-webinar-recording If you are ready to get into mining but have no idea where to start check out our monthly MasterMINED club where we meet every week to network with other peers, hold each other accountable, and work towards our next mining operation. With monthly deep dives and weekly conversations about mining you'll know exactly what steps to take next. Visit https://to.tools/mastermined-club to learn more. And finally if you are going to Nashville July 25th-27th for the Bitcoin conference, join us for a one-day Build-a-Mine intensive course designed to streamline your progress towards building a commercial-scale bitcoin mining operation. Go to https://the-mining-conference.eventbrite.com to sign up. Follow Trevor and Will here Twitter: @TrevorBello @Willwaukee Find the show here @BuildaMinePod Reach out on email here: Trevor@scottscryptominin.com Will@scottscryptomining.com Scott@scottscryptomining.com
(0:00 - 1:05) Episode Introduction
(1:05 - 3:48) Carlino, Founder of Digital Witness
(3:48 - 14:23) Trust and Verify, how does it work?
(14:23 - 42:11) How Carlino grew Digital Witness
(42:11 - 43:23) Join us in the Masterminedclub!
(43:23 - 46:51) The logistics of voting with Digital Witness
(46:51 - 1:00:33) The aftermath of the election results
(1:00:33 - 1:06:32) How America could use this technology
(1:06:32 - 1:07:35) Join us at the Build-A-Mine Bootcamp!
(1:07:35 - 1:10:31) Growing the Bitcoin Community in Guatemala
(1:10:31 - 1:19:06) Navigating election cycles
(1:19:06 - 1:24:30) Do the Guatemalans like the system in place?
(1:24:31 - 1:25:57) Carlinos closing thoughts on the US election
(1:25:57 - 1:27:35) Follow Digital Witness on their socials
(1:27:35 - 1:28:38) Upcoming Bitcoin Conference invitation
(1:28:38 -) Episode Recap with Carlino