It doesn't make sense when you first hear it. How can your purpose come from your biggest problem? Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the tools and skills you gain when you face your biggest problem. They discuss that those same tools and skills will help you build a skyscraper. You are the best person to help others get through the same problem that you have gone through because you can reach them at their most vulnerable and relate to them deeply. You can build a business by helping others overcome the mountain you conquered.
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Next Level Live on April 1, 2023, will take your life to the next level:
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Kevin: @neverquitkid
Alan: @alazaros88
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Show notes:
[2:50] Your purpose comes from your biggest pain
[9:16] Your purpose is what bothers you so much
[13:50] John Laurito, the host of Tomorrow's Leader, shares how he kick-started his podcast journey with Kevin and NLPS
[14:38] If it doesn't get you emotional, it will not drive you to win
[17:39] Your purpose is a responsibility
[23:15] Outro