#422 - 6 Ways To Lead Yourself Better NOW - Live Mastermind with Leadership Expert John Laurito
In today’s mastermind, we have the host of Tomorrow’s Leader podcast John Laurito. He is also a public speaker, executive coach, and leadership expert who is very passionate about the topic of, you guessed it, leadership. He does one-on-one coaching to help individuals lead themselves better. He also offers leadership development to teams and companies. So make sure to stay tuned because we promise you, this is another great episode you shouldn’t miss.
Where to find John Laurito:
Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJXdFTRgrIIW3WcXm2v83g/featured
Website: http://www.lauritogroup.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnlaurito/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnlaurito/
Key Takeaways
[0:31] Mastermind guest introduction
[1:39] The importance of leading yourself
[2:57] The law of the aggregation of marginal gains
[5:03] What leadership is all about
[6:22] Decisions
[8:23] Have you made a bad decision when you were overconfident?
[11:19] We do things because we want the short-term victory, but don’t think about the consequences
[12:20] “Sometimes we make bad decisions when we have unclear values.”
[13:55] 10-10-10 rule
[16:46] Perspective
[22:59] Obstacles
[29:12] Problems: when we hold on to them, they become a big thing
[30:54] The fundamental first step to leadership
[33:35] On asking and answering “dumb” question
[36:38] John’s favorite leaders and why
[37:39] Attention
[40:44] 3 things we can control over: what you say, what you think and what you do
[44:42] Preparation
[49:10] Leverage
[49:47] Real-life example of delegating
[51:25] How leaders operate? Give other people ownership and give yourself some free time to develop other people
[55:40] Ask yourself: if you knew failure was NOT an option, what would you do?
[56:46] Managing unexpected things while still keeping in stride
[58:04] What John Laurito does and where to find him
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Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en
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