SHOW #232 - "The NFL Offseason Is Heating Up"
Segment #1: "More Reasons For The Flags To Fly In Oakland!"
The new NFL rules changes....will they affect Oakland? Raider Greg says, "YOU BET THEY WILL"....and he reviews the new rule changes for 2009 and he thinks they may affect the Raiders more than some other teams.
Segment #2: "Cornell 'Rag Mop' Green....Beats His Wife With A Mop Handle"
Raider Greg tells the story of what led to the arrest of Cornell Green for domestic violence. Will the Raiders end up cutting him because of this incident? Greg gives his opinion.
Segment #3: "Raiders Hire 3 New Assistant Coaches"
Why do we care? Raider Greg gives you his answer...
Segment #4: "Dophins Trade Center Samson Satele To The Raiders"
This story covers the trade that ended with Jake Grove going to the Dolphins in exchange for Samson Satele coming to Oakland. Greg gives his opinion on which team got the better deal and how it could affect what we do in the draft.
Segment #5: "Raiders NFL Draft Needs"
Raider Greg once again talks about the upcoming NFL draft, with emphasis on our offensive line and our defense...... and what the Raiders need most in order to compete with the Chargers and other strong running teams.
Segment #6: "Raiders 2009 Season Opener On Monday Night Football"
Is starting the season on Monday Night Football, in front of a national audience, a good thing for the Raiders? Raider Greg didn't think so at first....but he has changed his mind. He'll tell you why.
Segment #7: THE BONELINE 1-800-620-7181
We hear from 11 callers on our toll-free voicemail line, the "Boneline"
Caller #1: "Raider Yani"
Caller #2: "Yung Raider"
Caller #3: "Aztec Raider" from Santa Rosa, California
Caller #4: Tristin from New York
Caller #5: Jaime from Bakersfield
Caller #6: "Raider Rico"
Caller #7: "Raider Mike" from Gainesville, Florida
Caller #8: Raul Oliveros
Caller #9: Obi Wan Raider
Caller #10: Virginia Raider
Caller #11: Crusader Raider
Apologies to Arch Angel from Stone Mt. Georgia and Raider Dave in Washington. Your calls were accidently left off the show. Call back for the next show....we love your calls.
You too can call in to the boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Keep your call under two minutes. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers.
Running time - 1:17:48