PCR32 - Oscar Merry from Fountain App - Podcasting Needs Nostr

PCR32 - Oscar Merry from Fountain App - Podcasting Needs Nostr

Plebchain Radio

QW & Avi with Lau from Nostr Report discuss His Bitcoin Journey, Building Fountain App, Fountain Updates and Nostr Integration with Oscar Merry. Plebchain Radio Shirt - Black and Yellow - https://lightning.store/product/plebchain-radio-black-t-shirt/Nostr Nest Bounty - https://nostrbounties.com/b/naddr1qq9rzd3exuerzvps8qeqygplwuxkt5a8vj5utj6s8tsj8e3wcavc45p4mqmw92qs7wrh5azmyspsgqqqw4rstzzwfeGet the Latest Nostr News : https://nostr.report/desktop.php


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