Currents 010: Tyson Yunkaporta on Humans As Custodial Species

Currents 010: Tyson Yunkaporta on Humans As Custodial Species

The Jim Rutt Show

Jim talks to Tyson Yunkaporta about what makes us a custodial species, time, increase vs growth, complex systems intervention, domestication, and much more...

In this Currents episode, Jim talks to Tyson Yunkaporta about seeing humanity as a custodial species, our unique capacities, creation myths, the significance of the human hand, haptic cognition, tool making & syntactic language, our singing instinct, in-between space & interactions, GameB, information velocity, currency, humanity getting off track, seeing time as an arrow & the lie of progress, the illusion of time, interest's future discounting, increase vs growth, unplanned outcomes in complex systems intervention, ritual as an abstract metaphor, wisdom & turnaround, the danger of our domestication, and more.

Episode Transcript
Tyson’s book, Sand Talk
JRS: EP65 Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Complexity
JRS: EP66 Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Knowledge
Jim's currency talk, Dividend Money
The Land Is the Source of the Law by C.F. Black

Tyson Yunkaporta is an academic, an arts critic, and a researcher who is a member of the Apalech Clan in far north Queensland. He carves traditional tools and weapons and also works as a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at Deakin University in Melbourne. He lives in Melbourne and is the author of Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World.


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