Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros respond to questions sent in during the live podcast episode “How To Figure Out What’s Really Making A Difference.” They answer questions about differentiating a limiting belief from an empowering one, changing mindsets, letting go of something or someone that does not make a difference anymore, and more.
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Show notes:
[1:03] How do you know what data you’re tracking is the right data?
[4:46] Why do you feel there’s been such a stigma created around “self-made” versus sharing that you had support from mentors along the way?
[7:23] How do you know if you have a limiting belief that’s disguised as an empowering one?
[13:17] Laura Sancho shares a positive and memorable experience when she joined Group Coaching
[15:00] If you’re trying to make a difference on a global scale but feel like no progress is being made, how do you change that mindset?
[18:13] How do you let go of a person, place, thing, or idea that does not make a difference anymore if you’re someone who does not like change or prefers routine?
[23:23] Group coaching slots are available. To learn more about group coaching:[24:07] Join Next Level U Book Club -[25:36] Outro
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