#953 - How Your Growth Affects Your Relationship - Live Podcast

#953 - How Your Growth Affects Your Relationship - Live Podcast

Next Level University

We all want personal growth – a chance to change our lives for the better. And wouldn’t it be nice to keep all our relationships while we’re growing? Unfortunately, it’s not always the case. In this live podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how your growth is affecting your relationships with people around you. They talk about how you’ll lose some relationships while gaining new ones along the way. You may outgrow some, but you will also inspire others to grow alongside you.

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Show notes:
[0:00] Intro
[1:34] Your relationships grow with you
[3:22] When you grow your priorities change
[6:32] Your growth changes what you have in common with other people
[11:19] Your growth shifts the law of attraction around you
[14:31] Your growth creates the necessity for others to grow
[20:48] The host of Tomorrow’s Leader, John Laurito, has this to say about Kevin and NLPS (Next Level Podcast Solutions)
[22:15] Your growth will get passed down to other people
[27:50] Your growth allows you to attract more valuable relationships
[30:17] Your growth becomes a weapon that you don’t know how to use yet
[34:31] Your growth attracts some and repels others
[38:23] People see you differently when they see how much you’ve grown
[41:32] Your growth makes you a walking talking mirror
[44:28] Leave a review and get a chance to win a $100 gift card
[45:11] Join the monthly virtual meetup on May 5, 2022, at 6 PM EST
[47:13] Outro


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