#1360 - Don’t Trade In Your Future For Your Present

#1360 - Don’t Trade In Your Future For Your Present

Next Level University

Do you ever feel like you're winning in the present but trading in your future? In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss the importance of long-term thinking and how it can help you achieve true success in life. They share personal experiences and strategies and talk about the difficulties of transitioning from short-term to long-term thinking and why it's crucial to prioritize our future over our present. They share a powerful story about the importance of humility in growth and how tying self-esteem to personal progress can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Links mentioned:
Next Level Nation - https://www.facebook.com/groups/459320958216700 
Group Coaching - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/ 


Website 💻  http://www.nextleveluniverse.com   

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We love connecting with you guys! Reach out on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email

Instagram 📷
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

LinkedIn ✍
Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/

Email 💬


Show notes:
[4:42] Feeling like you’re winning doesn't always mean that you are
[9:36] Feeling that today matters more than anything
[13:54] Nathan expresses his appreciation for the invaluable coaching services he received from Alan
[14:28] Growth needs to be the goal
[18:04] Where ego comes in
[22:30] The price of inconsistency
[24:50] What you do for the next year is more important
[26:38] Outro

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