Everyone can dream, but not everyone has the willingness to chase their dreams. People who aren’t living their dreams often have limited belief systems. In this week’s live episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share the things they wish they knew before chasing their dreams and going on their challenging but an incredible journey of podcasting and business.
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Show notes:
[2:54] It can change drastically
[6:07] What does Kevin think he would be like versus what he is now?
[7:29] How important having a like-minded supportive community is
[12:37] It’s important to have empathy for people who don’t understand what you’re doing
[16:41] People aren’t going to understand a level-10 commitment
[22:25] Tim Melanson, the host of Work at Home RockStar Podcast and Founder of Creative Crew Agency, talks about his experience with Next Level Universe
[23:33] Today’s mistakes become tomorrow’s lessons
[27:37] Not everyone is supposed to or ever wants to come with you on the journey
[30:18] If you pick one thing and focus on it, you’ll have the freedom to do all the other things later
[34:37] How important vulnerability is to growth
[38:39] It’s possible to believe in yourself more than you currently do
[40:47] How important credibility is
[44:52] Outro